domingo, 5 de junio de 2011


The operating principle is the measurement of the capacitive current and the conduction current by applying a voltage square wave AC test cell. The capacitive current is measured during the rise time of tension and the conduction current is measured during the stable period of stress, but before any disturbance electric field due to the accumulation of ions. The currents can be measured both positive and half-waves in the negative square wave current for several cycles to increase the accuracy of the measurement (see Figure).

Principle of operation using the square wave method

The square wave voltage V (t) of amplitude ±V, is changed periodically with a slope dV / dt. The current I during the rise and fall of tension is the sum of the capacitive current (displacement current) and current driving:

The capacitive current IC is measured during periods of rising and falling of V (t).

The driving current IR is measured in periods of stable V (t) as V / R given angular frequency can be determined by the following relationships:

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